
批改作業.new.批改作業的英文翻譯.基本釋義.checkofwork·checkone'shomework·tocorrectstudents'collectively.批改作業的相關資料:.臨近單詞.批辦批 ...,theactivityofchecking,correcting,andgivingamarktostudents'writtenwork:Icouldn'tgooutwiththeothersbecauseIhadapileofmarkingtodo.,theactivityofchecking,correcting,andgivingamarktostudents'writtenwork:Icouldn'tgooutwiththeothersbecauseIhadapileofmarkingto...


批改作業. new. 批改作業的英文翻譯. 基本釋義. check of work · check one's homework · to correct students' collectively. 批改作業的相關資料:. 臨近單詞. 批辦 批 ...

批改| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

the activity of checking, correcting, and giving a mark to students' written work: I couldn't go out with the others because I had a pile of marking to do.

批改| 簡體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

the activity of checking, correcting, and giving a mark to students' written work: I couldn't go out with the others because I had a pile of marking to do.

「修正、修改」英文是? revise? modify? amend? correct?

revise 通常是將某個東西修改得更好,而不是將錯誤改對,所以revise 通常是用在修改論文、文章等等。 而修改錯誤應該使用correct,千萬要記得不要被中譯給騙了! ???? 小補充#2: ...

How do you say 老師批改學生作業 in English (US)?

How do you say this in English (US)? 老師批改學生作業 正在進行式:Teacher is marking students' homework.

老師章英文英語老師教學評語印章外語教師用章學生批改作業 ...

老師章英文英語老師教學評語印章外語教師用章學生批改作業表揚鼓勵獎勵章客製化印章| 蝦皮購物


【批改作業】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:homework correcting。漢英詞典提供【批改作業】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等.



批改- English translation

Many translated example sentences containing 批改 – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.


英语作业批改用语: 1. Try hard!继续努力。 2. OK!还可以,一般。 3. Good!/Great!/Wonderful /Excellent/ Perfect!很好。 扩展资料如果学生的.作业做得很好,我们可以给他( ...